Friday, May 9, 2014

Well, the most exciting part of today was...I GOT NEW JEANS!!! Yep, I'm pretty excited about that. If you saw my Facebook post last night, then you know I was whining that I need a makeover. Or as my good friend Janice said "I need a What-Not-To-Wear makeover"! I was down to one pair of "mom" jeans. And Mom jeans are just not as cool when you ARE the mom. Oh, and I ordered a FitBit. I have said for years that if I just had one of those arm thingies like they have on The Biggest Loser then I would automatically lose weight. I'll let you know how this works out.

Some things The Lord is teaching me:

* His timing, in His will, in all aspects of my life. Not gonna lie, this is tough. I am a "fixer". When someone shares a problem with me, I am about 3 steps ahead trying to make it right. It's not always my job to fix things OR people.

*Don't be quick to judge. This one is hard to admit that I still struggle with. I like to come across as open minded and always seeing the good, but I know for a fact that I have missed out on some great moments because I was quick to decide that something wasn't for me. Lord, let me see with your eyes.

There are many others, but since I flat out admitted that I am stumbling over these I think I will concentrate on these two.
Specific prayer needs:

1. Angela ~ the doctors only know what our Father shows them. I am believing that He will show them what COMPLETE healing looks like!
2. Daddy ~ he is continuing Chemo and has scans next week.
3. Jana Lee ~ Order her steps and prepare the hearts of everyone she will come in contact with in Zambia
4. Me ~ He knows my hearts desires.

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite! (that last part is really gross!)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Random thoughts of a momma

There are so many things just flying though my head. It kind of reminds me of one of those old school video games, lights and pings going all over. Today is the funeral of a young man that I only knew through his job at Fred's. Why cant I get him off my heart? Maybe because I say that I will miss seeing him. Or could it be regrets that once again I am left to wonder "did I do all that I could/should have to reach out to him". Or is it empathy for his parents who have to go on without him? Maybe I am scared that one day that will be me...Have I REALLY shown my people how much I love them? Or am I so busy worrying and stressing that I forget to embrace each moment of every day? I always have such great intentions, but I have trouble actually following through. Anyone else feel that way? I want to do great things, but some days I just get through. I want to have a "bucket list". Sometimes getting to the end of the day is enough. But I want more! I want more time, more motivation, less fear of failure. So many things I wish I could do over...regrets. But you know what? Today is a brand new day! I am alive, I am a daughter of the King, my family is safe, I have my home, I have a job that I love and by golly I am going to make the most of this! Lamentations 3:22-24 New Living Translation (NLT) 22 The faithful love of the Lord never ends![a] His mercies never cease. 23 Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. 24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!” He is true to His promises. I WILL hold on to that secret promise He has given me. Waiting and watching...

Friday, May 2, 2014

I've been thinking about the Soaring Wings Half Marathon a lot. I have asked myself "why in the world do you think a fat, 50 year old woman who has NEVER done anything sporty. would be able to suddenly do a half marathon?!?" Well, here is why. It is something that I have actually wanted to do for a very long time. But, I am notorious for "wanting" to do something and when it actually comes down to it, I'm like "Eeeh I would rather just sit here and creep around on Facebook". Just being honest here. My "running career" started back in 1980 when I was actually in pretty good shape. I decided to run to my BFF's house about 3 miles away. I was going to say it was 13.1 miles away, but then I remembered the honest comment. :) About half way there I was chased by dang dogs! Not to mention that the road from my house to hers wasn't paved yet. I make it to her house and minor detail, I forgot to tell her I was coming so she was just leaving. I'm pretty sure it was a hot date, because remember this was 1980 and we were HOTTIES! Well, what's a girl to do? I turned around and headed back to my house. Remember that dirt road? I was running along minding my own business and I see this guy coming towards me. Woo Hoo another crazy person running in the middle of nowhere in the crazy Texas summer heat! When he was about 100 yards from me, something hits my head. I look up and it is a psycho blue jay dive bombing me! I start screaming (a perfectly normal reaction by any 17 year old girl) and flailing my arms. The darn thing wont leave me alone! I end up rolling around in the ditch trying to get away from this demon possessed bird. When I finally got myself together and crawled back to the road, here comes the other runner. And of course he never saw that spawn of satan bird. Just gave me one of "those" looks. So, yea that was the beginning and end of my running career. I haven't really wanted to do any running/walking since then. But then I met John Allison. What an inspiration! But the real clincher was when he showed the 121 students the Marine Corp Marathon medal. OMG I had medal envy! But that's all it was, envy. No action. But that medal has been in the back of my mind for a couple of years. Fast forward to Faulkner County Relay for Life. For a donation to American Cancer Society I could walk 29 laps around the expo center and GET A MEDAL!!! Woo Hoo, sign me up I said. And I did it in flip flops. And I met another very wise and kind person Jackie Pollard. She didn't know me from Adam. What she should have seen was a fat almost 50 year old woman, but what she actually saw was potential. Sometimes it takes the kind words of a stranger to get you moving! So here I am. I have been thinking about this medal obsession a lot. How many of us are willing to work so hard for rewards and medals here on earth, but hardly give a second thought to Heavenly rewards? Before anyone corrects me, I KNOW it isn't all about the jewels and crowns, but I really want to be able to lay my crown/medal at the feet of Jesus. So, see this half marathon is about way more than just running/walking and the medals. In my heart it is even more than the money and awareness raised for Soaring Wings (which is HUGE). It's about doing something just because someone believed in me. All of life should be that way, after all, our Father believed in us enough to send His Son to die for me. So, that is all I have to say about that.